Thursday, August 30, 2012

My Beagle!

Pets are always there to enlighten your mood whenever you're angry, frustrated, stress and other depression expression.
So when I got home today, my dog came up to me and gave me that "Let's play" or "You're back!!!!" expression!! :3

Then I notice his collar. Apparently we got that collar from my uncle, who an architect in China.
In addition, the collar contain a light green name dog that my big brother got from Temple last year.


Staple is a great place that you can supplies at! (Depending at the prices...)
So today, I went to Staple to copy an A.C. Moore coupons to buy art supplies.

One of the most interesting thing that I found at Staples was that u need a card(with money in it) to insert the slot for the copy machines.
Where was the old days when you can just copy it for free??! -___-

A Fire Extinguisher..?

How do I explain was during a late night, where my dad was taking back home from work.
Before I tell you the story, my dad has alot of weird things in his trash to a giant tire in the back seat...0_O
Anyways, I find a fire extinguisher poster in the front seat.
And I just took it...yup...
I took it...

Beautiful flowers...

After getting off my train, (carrying all my art stuff...which was exhausting!!) I found some beautiful flowers pots hear the road.
I love sketches stuff I took a pic of it! What do you think of it?

(U probably going to say its just a simple flower but to me, it brought joy after a loooongggg day!!!)

Here is the scanned version of my flowers!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Today, I used my week train pass today!
Though I've been using it as book mark while I was reading Hunger games. -__-

Well I better get a new one for next week or get a monthly train pass instead....

Here a better look of my weekly pass

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hello again!
I added three new links!
Please check it out

Monday, August 27, 2012

Welcome to my Blog!
This is my first time starting one!
I hope you look forward to my new blogs!