Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Larry Lessig: How creativity is being strangled by the law's video

In the beginning of the video, Larry Lessig starts off with telling three stories.

1st story- Larry Lessig describe an argument that took place at Washington DC during 1906. The argument was the influence one of the first invention known as "the talking machine". One of the critic was that this talking machine would destroy the culture of creativity and the loss of vocal cords.
2nd story- Larry Lessig discuss another argument on airplane vs. land. In 1945, two farmers said that their chicken followed the same pattern of the planes that flown over their land. The airplanes at this time were "trespassing" their land. The Supreme Court states that airplanes had no place during their modern age.
3rd story- One of the last "great terror" that was brought to America was broadcasting. Broadcasting was the start of spreading content to the world and the battle in the media industries. An popular music industry, ASCAP, try to dominate the broadcasters. Until 1939, a lawyer created a "broadcast music incorporated"(BMI). This allowed broadcasters to bring new music with different cultures.

Larry Lessig describe that internet was a way for the new generation to use the old and modern traditions to create a new age. In addition, the new generation can create a message that can be Nationwide. "Re(creativity)" is a tool of speech for the new generation that shows the the understanding of digital technology.
However, to the government, copyrighting other internet source is considered a trespasser to those who own their source. Larry Lessig describe that this debate in the internet caused growing extremism of the law and the use of technology.
Larry Lessig discuss that is fighting for a balance between the two conflicts. He created two solutions.
1. Artist and creators must embrace the idea, choose their works to be free.
2. The business need to embrace opportunities to enable free creativity.
He states that an artists choice will allow new opportunities to the world. 

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