Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Photoshop Fashion Industry vs our truelooks

One of the most well known problems in the world would be Photoshop edits. In the fashion industries, models are remade to be display for their cosmetic products.

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To most women, their "skinny" body or flawless face is known as the perfect image. However, some viewers don't know would be that they are looking at a Photoshop model with edits. This brought a negative view to the world, as it caused more self esteem of our looks!

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The Fashion Industries use of Photoshop has even influence other to retouch their own faces! However to most people, photoshop is not the crop the ulgy part of themselves, but to make a best version! To me, the use of Photoshop can help bring the best of yourself but what would you gain?
I believe that Photoshop gives the users a confidence feeling and self confidence! But does that positive energy comes from your true self?

Not only that, the fashion industry's products guarantees the viewers that their products will help improve their looks to look like their models! Another negative effects is brought once again as it gave an fake impression to weak minded teenager to change their looks.

Source #3"
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Lastly, Photoshop does not just make their viewers discourage but the models! There are some models that are known as reformed freaks because of their way their bodies were crop! Photoshop should not be used to create horrible disfigured models but to display them in a more beautiful way!

Source #4:
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With the world getting use to the magic touches of "Photoshop", we tended to forget how we really look like! For example, this picture shows couples of models without Photoshop retouch! This make us realize that how much have Photoshop have affected us.

Source #5:
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Photoshop have the one tool that Fashion Industries depend on. Although the uses of Photoshop helps models to look best for their products, it also caused a lot of controversial. For example, in the website, Taylor Swift advertisement on promised teenagers that you have the perfect image through their products. They also note that famous actress and models uses these products too. However, it was not the product that made them beautiful, rather Photoshop retouches! It ask the world, should we trust what the Cosmetic industries display on TV? 

Overall, I believe that Photoshop is a tool to present yourself through the best way! However, does it really represent who you are inside? True beauty is both outer and inner beauty.
The use of Photoshop in my opinion depends on the user. With the right hand, one can make wonderful image that doesn't offend the viewers and the models! But if it was place in the wrong hands, there will be more troubles that are caused by a simple tool known as Photoshop!

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